Sweet Teague

Sweet Teague

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Hoping for Hair

Teague actually doesn't care (or know) that he is still very bald in the back, from the tip of one ear, around to the tip of the other. So I'm keeping him buzzed pretty short. He'll rub his head and say, "Haycut." Radiation keeps working for a while after you stop treatments, so his summer buzz might last until Halloween. I know it's a picky detail, and I really do know what's important here. Teague is alive. He doesn't have cancer. He is happy. I still can't count all of our blessings. But little reminders make it hard to put the horror down and walk away from it, and his hair loss is the last visible thing that screams the C word at me. I'm ready for it to start growing in. And although it will be thin, maybe it will help cover up that scar.