Sweet Teague

Sweet Teague

Monday, May 18, 2009

The Oncologist Called

The new bottom line: they want to do radiation.

The first time we met with Dr. Wright, the oncologist, was when the labs on Teague's tumor came back. At that time she recommended no treatment but to have an MRI every three months to check for regrowth. But she did tell us that once a month all the oncologists, radiologists, and neurosurgeons have a meeting to discuss new patients, and that every now and then they'll come out of there with a different recommendation.

So it is with us. Glad we had a warning.

Still, it's surprising because they had told us that Teague is too young for radiation. But Dr. Wright explained that that's true when they radiate the whole brain. That's when it affects development. In Teague's case, they want to target the site of the tumor.

She said that ependymomas are less likely to grow back when they're in the top portion of the brain, but the ones in the lower portion are different. Guess you can't get much lower-portion than the brain stem.

We're meeting with the radiation oncologist tomorrow afternoon to discuss. So I have today to get my questions ready. They're already forming. I'm going to need stats, figures, all the what-are-the-benefits and what-are-the-side-effects questions I can think of.

All I know right now is that they want to do outpatient radiation Monday through Friday for six weeks. He would have to be sedated to keep him perfectly still during the zap. And with a daily treatment, they'd put in a PICC line so he wouldn't have to get stuck with a new sedation IV every day.

Looks like we're turning into long-term patients. Maybe we're not the people who get to just say, "Hey, thanks for getting the tumor out. See ya."


  1. hang in there, we're all here for the long haul.

  2. Gah! What the heck!

    (Once out of my momentary but significant state of shock, I'll second what Lehi said.)

  3. Oh no! Just when we were all celebrating. I am so sorry. Hugs to you.

  4. Oh no Sara! I'm really sorry that you have to deal with this. I really hope that everyone including Teague will be able to handle this well!!

  5. Your family has never left our daily prayers...
    and we're still only a phone call away for anything else you need!

    In the meantime, those doctors are being led by many, many prayers...and probably changed their recommendations for a reason only God knows.

    Hang in there! Keep your faith strong!

  6. Well, I guess that it's time to get back to work with this fight. Can't wait to give him a hug (which I consider to be one of the best dang medicines around). Teague keep up the good work; you are good at surprises and I know you are a fighter! You could surprise those Dr people again. Quinn & Sara, I know you'll need prayers...you've got them! We love you.

  7. Sara please let me know if you need anything. Especially if you're doing all this in SLC. I'm very close and can run up at a moments notice. I think about and pray for you and your family daily!
