Sweet Teague

Sweet Teague

Monday, April 20, 2009

Little Miracles and a Little Hannah Montana

Teague is improving and healing from surgery. Dr. Kestle told me he is ahead of schedule. The MRI was clean, confirming that they did get all of the tumor (what's visible, anyway).

Little guy spent a second night in the PICU. His sodium and sugar levels weren't right, so they needed to regulate that. They told me that when you mess with someone's brain, that can happen. He ate ice chips yesterday and drank a little Pedialyte last night. No food yet, but maybe he'll want some today.

The biggest miracle I see at this point is that it appears his brain was not damaged during surgery. This tumor was attached to his brain stem, right in the area that controls swallowing. While he hasn't eaten anything, he also hasn't been drooling, and he did fine on the ice chips. He is also speaking normally. He's very sore because they had to pull the muscles on the back of his head apart. Serious whiplash.

One little miracle is that last night he got his same PICU nurse that he had the night before, rockin' Bryan, who is the most attentive nurse we've had. Knowing that, I was able to sleep better than the night before. Not longer, just better.

Another little miracle: I went home for a few hours last night and hung out with my little Tatum. We watched an all-new Hannah Montana, the one where Lily and Oliver start dating. We'd seen that advertised earlier in the week, and we both thought it looked good. I know, I'm a nerd. But to be able to watch a show and snuggle my little girl, and eat some brownies the neighbors dropped off is one of those things I might previously have thought mundane. And singing that kid to sleep, I'll never take for granted again.

Then I hurried back to the hospital. Tired, but rejuvenated.


  1. Sara,

    I just heard about this and my heart just goes out to you and your family. It's so hard to see your little child suffer. I'm so glad he's in great hands at Primary Children's. Know that you all are in our thoughts and prayers.
    Lanae and fam

  2. You know, when Ben was in the PICU up there at Primary's, I remember him having a nurse named Brian. I really liked too. I wonder if it's the same guy! Hmmmmmm.

  3. That's great news! I'm glad he's making good progress.

  4. I'm so glad to hear the surgery went so well. We'll give Tatum extra love today!
    You are amazing!

  5. I'm so glad you had a mommy-daughter date last night. Good stuff. I know Tate was psyched on Saturday for her daddy-daughter date when Quinn got home. Let me know what else you need from me!

  6. My niece had brain surgery at Primary Children's several years ago. Aren't they awesome there! I'm sure Teague will pull through all this with flying colors. We have your family in our prayers!

  7. WOW! What a whirlwind from when you brought Tatum over last Friday morning! I am so glad to hear that your sweet little boy is recovering well. I have you in my thoughts and in my prayers. Please let me know if there is anything that I can do for you. Tatum is welcome here anytime!

  8. Quinn and Sara,

    Our prayers are definately with you and your family. Please, please, please let us know if there is anything we can do...we'll gladly bring meals, babysit, clean your house...whatever you need! We're just a call away!

    Shelby (and Mike)

  9. I am so glad you are doing this blog. Sometimes you just never know how much to call and when it is inconvenient for the family. I am sure it helps spread the word a lot easier!
    Of course you guys are in our prayers and let us know what we can do. You guys have been great with us when Emily was down. So please, let us know what we can do (even if it is small).

  10. Thats great and I will be praying for even better things to come your way and know your family is being taken care of!
    You probley dont know me but Im in the ward I just started to attend and my mom was in the Relief Society last year her name is LeeAnne Giessing and she too is praying you!!

  11. I'm so thankful I found the blog. I'm all caught up and thinking of you each and everyday. You are an amazing momma and so strong. I think of you often and your little one. I am just down the street from Primary Childrens. It's a five minute drive. If you think of ANYTHING you need, give me a call ok. I'm so close. And so are my thoughts and prayers. I'll bring my clothes, shoes, food, anything you need ok?

  12. Sara, I just came over from facebook--it's amazing what one can miss on a weekend! I have tears streaming down my cheeks right now and want you to know Teaague (and all of you) will be in our prayer, too. I know there is just nothing more difficult than deeing your children hurting, and as you write about things, I put myself in your shoes and it makes me cry! (and I especially identify with this post--we are Hannah and iCarly fans ovah here, too! Love it!) That said, I know the special blessing that our Heavenly Father pours out on his children in their trials, and can feel your gratitude and faith in your posts. I know, like you do, that you will be 'encircled about in the arms of his love.' Take care and keep us posted!--jamie

  13. PS: sorry bout all the typos--I'm on the laptop on the bed with James--almost as bad as texting! ;)
