Sweet Teague

Sweet Teague

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Testing: One, Two, Three-Gajillion

The tests keep coming. We're headed back up to Primary Children's tomorrow morning for a CT scan of Teague's brain. I called today because I was worried about how much pain he's still in, and they said he shouldn't be hurting this much 12 days after his surgery. He is needing pain meds more often now than he did when he was in the hospital. There, he was down to one dose a day. Now I have to keep it a-comin' or he's fussy, and it's a pain cry. All moms know the pain cry.

I'm also concerned that his little face is fat. Is it swollen or is he just gaining weight because he's eating heartily for the first time in his life? That's also actually another concern of mine. The kid doesn't have a "full" signal. Wants to eat all the time, even when he's got puppy belly. Maybe something got triggered in surgery. Even if it did, how could I complain? His life was saved.

Tomorrow's CT scan will show if the ventricles in his brain are the same, smaller, or larger than they were on April 21, the last time they checked. They'll also compare it to the pre- and post-op MRIs. If they're larger, it could mean that his CSF is not draining properly.

If you have more prayers in you, we need them. Teague might be able to handle another surgery better than I can. I just need to remember that if they need to drain fluid or put in a shunt, it will not be as serious of a procedure as what he's already had.

I'm starting to wonder, like Quinn, when the pestilence is going to hit.


  1. We'll never run out of prayers! Good vibes are still coming from D.C.! Love you!

  2. Still praying and sending good vibes/karma/wishes your way. You will be on our list until you tell us otherwise!

  3. The prayers have never stopped! Poor guy!

  4. We'll keep the prayers coming your way too. If it makes you feel better, Carson doesn't have a full signal either. He'll eat all day if I let him and he's our skinniest child. Oh, to have that metabolism...

  5. Sara, you probably don't remember me, but I'm Lauren's friend, Julie (McAllister). She lived with me for a few years in Cedar Hills. I have a two year old (just turned two in Feb) and Lauren just sent me a link to your blog. I wept through the entire thing, partly because I can only imagine the agony of watching your baby suffer, and partly because I was so touched by your faith and the faith of those around you. Prayers work and I will add mine to the million that are going on already. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings and for letting us be a part of such a precious (but trying) experience.
